Bulgogi wa Sanjeog Gui (Korean Barbecue)
4 servings
You will need:
1 lb. thinly sliced rump beef
Mixture A:
- 2 tbl sugar
- 4 tbl soy sauce
- 4 tbl minced green onions
- 2 tsp minced garlic
- 1 tsp minced ginger
- dash of pepper
- 1 tsp sesame seeds
- 1 tbl toasted and ground sesame seeds
- 1 tbl sake or sherry
- 2 tbs sesame oil
Combine beef and Mixture A. Do this just before cooking because meat marinated for a long time in soy sauce tends to become tough. Charcoal broil or pan-broil. Serve with rice.
- Add green onion, cut diagonally as shown in photograph (not included)
- Meat and vegetables (such as chili peppers, carrots and green onions) can be skewered, dipped into Mixture A and broiled. Brown mushrooms (like regular white size, except brown) are especially tasty cooked this way.
- Use pork or chicken instead of beef. To give pork even more flavor, add cayenne pepper or gochujan to Mixture A. (Gochujan is a mixture of 2 tbs each of soybean paste, cayenne pepper, and soy sauce).